“There is great meaning in life for those who are willing to journey.” -- Jim England
Where were we yesterday, where are we today, and where are we going?
Journeys are constant in our lives. One of the biggest journey we take is the journey within. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” - said Anaïs Nin. It is said that you can also travel without leaving a physical place. Isn't that true for imagination? A flight into the depths of our mind. The legacy of journeys is new discoveries, some answers, but also finding more questions that enrich our souls.
After all, we all are seekers... and the reward lies in the journeys we take.
My painting is titled The Portal of Journeys, where a blue diamond symbolizes a guiding star, a beacon of light that illuminates the path of journeys. Each portal is a piece of our lives, a journey, a flight to known or unknown, one that we have chosen to enter.
The Portal of Journeys painting is from the Diamond Portal Series. In the the Diamond Portal Series, I explore the moments of human emotions as seen through the lens of the diamond as a storyteller. You are invited to enter portals where subtle references exist but the story is completed based on your life experiences and desires. I hope that each time you see the work, a new set of questions, solutions and possibilities emerge. The qualities of diamond act as metaphor and hold the stories together.
A few images of my work and how it was made...
The Portal of Journeys. 30"x30". ©Reena Ahluwalia
Detail: A blue diamond symbolizes a guiding star, a beacon of light that illuminates the path of journeys. [The Portal of Journeys. 30"x30". Acrylic on Canvas. ©Reena Ahluwalia]
Detail: Each portal is a piece of our lives, a journey, a flight to known or unknown, one what we have chosen to enter. The legacy of journeys is new discoveries, some answers, but also finding more questions that enrich our souls. [The Portal of Journeys. 30"x30". Acrylic on Canvas. ©Reena Ahluwalia]
Detail: The Portal of Journeys. 30"x30". Acrylic on Canvas. ©Reena Ahluwalia
Reena Ahluwalia