I believe the Human Spirit is like a diamond - resilient and full of light. ~ Reena Ahluwalia
To celebrate our resilient human spirit is why I created this painting. I believe in the power of humanity and hope we keep standing for diversity, inclusivity, equality and empathy.
Each of us is an example of what is possible. However many times we might fall, the human spirit gives us the strength to get back up with new resolve.
It rises, because the human spirit knows no race, gender or religion. Because we all are like magnificent diamonds - together we shine bright! Because together that's what we do best! Through our connections and unity...for oneself, humanity, all living beings and nature.
The Human Spirit painting is part of my LIT Series.
The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. SOLD
I imagined human forms as fancy color diamonds. Seen here are fancy vivid orange, blue and pink diamonds. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia. SOLD
Diamonds carry deep meaning for me. My LIT Series reflects what is on my mind lately. Will humans see their own humanity? Will we care for one another and move beyond prejudices? Will we honor this time as a teacher? What will be our choices? The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
More acceptance = More humanity. The human spirit knows, deep down that all our lives intersect.
Details of the Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Check out how I painted the Human Spirit diamond painting.
Painting a fancy vivid orange diamond that I imagined as a human form. The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Warm human connections that feed our soul. Here I am painting a fancy vivid orange diamond that I imagined as a human form. The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Diversity ✦ Inclusivity ✦ Equality ✦ Empathy.
In all colors we trust. Let's proudly show our true colors.
The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Human Spirit has a unique way of rising. There are unknowns and uncertainties. And it may sound a bit optimistic, but I believe we all are shaping up new ideas. It may seem intangible right now, but it’s there! Just like a rough diamond that has a potential to be polished and shine. The Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Details of the Human Spirit diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia.