Three eyes. Two to look and one to see. ~ Bellamor
Why the THIRD EYE?
My painting is an interpretation that signals higher possibilities and clarity of vision.
We will all see and get something unique and different from the painting.
As the Covid-19 pandemic raged and social unrest, inequity increased, my thoughts like many of us came back to exploring my inner self in relation to the external factors. Of learning, of listening, reflecting and drawing on my inner strength and believing that humanity will use these learnings to gain more wisdom. As I sketched my painting concept, it led me to depicting light, perspectives and wisdom through the lens and concept of the Third eye.
Higher possibilities, clarity of vision, perspectives, enlightenment and wisdom. The Third Eye Diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia. SOLD.
Higher possibilities, clarity of vision, perspectives, enlightenment and wisdom. The Third Eye Diamond painting by Reena Ahluwalia. 40 x 30 inches. ©Reena Ahluwalia. SOLD.
Check out how I painted the Third Eye diamond painting.
Close up detail. As I approach my art, each day is a new opportunity to express, I find great joy in this. What I see and reflect, is what I share through my art, gemstones and diamonds being the metaphors and carrier of stories - yours and mine. The Third Eye Diamond painting by ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Let's reach our higher selves.
Be the light you are reaching for. Then reach out to others and share some of that light. The Third Eye Diamond painting by ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Bet on yourself! Like diamonds, we start off rough and get more polished by bettering and betting on ourselves.
Vision, quest for knowledge, seeing through different lenses, clarity and wisdom are the themes I have explored in my painting. The Third Eye Diamond painting by ©Reena Ahluwalia.
Infinite possibilities. Going deeper, beyond what meets the eye, beyond obvious, fascinates me. I make diamond art to celebrate nature and our shining human spirit. It's because when I look at diamonds, I see more than specimens - I see so many stories and symbolism. The Third Eye Diamond painting by ©Reena Ahluwalia.
You are cosmic! The Third Eye Diamond painting by ©Reena Ahluwalia.
“Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made.” — Tyler Kent White
What is the THIRD EYE?
Across many cultures, the third eye is considered a gateway to higher consciousness, enlightenment and wisdom, beyond what our physical eyes can see. A concept of an invisible eye, usually depicted on the forehead (eg., Hindu god Shiva), sometimes referred to as "mind's eye" or "Inner eye". In Hinduism, it's called the Agya or Ajna chakra (आज्ञा चक्र) and signifies the subconscious. The Rig Veda, one of India’s earliest texts mentions the third eye at the beginning of creation, where all that exists in the universe began - Brahman (ब्रह्मन्). Ever wonder why Indians wear a bindi on their forehead? It’s a representation of the third eye.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Mesoamerican and Egyptian are some cultures that depict the concept and symbolism of the third eye.
The Third Eye.
Image compiled by Reena Ahluwalia with credits. [Kali Temple door, Nepal, unknown | Painting by by Swami Amrit Mahamedha, Trika Art Ashram | Durga statue, Economic Times | Thangka representing a female divinity, 15th century, Christie's | 7th century, Linga with the Face of Shiva. MET Museum | Shiva / Nataraja, 11th century. MET Museum | White Tara, Karma Kagyu dharma centre. Flickr: secretlondon123 | Kumari - living goddess, 9-year-old Samita Bajracharya, Nepal. Photo by Narendra Shrestha].